Nutritional Frontiers Active B12 Folate, 60 chew tab.


Nutritional Frontiers Active B12 Folate is a unique, high-quality formula that contains the most biologically active form of vitamin B12 and Quatrefolic®, which may be helpful in certain cases of anemia. These nutrients are also crucial for proper cell division, nervous system function, and cardiovascular and emotional health.

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Cardiovascular Health

Several B vitamins enhance cardiovascular health. Quatrefolic® may improve symptoms of a peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication.

Quatrefolic® and Vitamin B12

Have been shown to lower homocysteine levels. People with high homocysteine and osteoporosis may reduce an incidence of fractures by taking Quatrefolic® and vitamin B12. Patients with diabetes treated with metformin may benefit from supplementation with Quatrefolic® and vitamin B12 to improve circulation in the small arteries.*

Nervous System & Emotional Health

Many B vitamins are involved in nerve regeneration, neurotransmitter synthesis, nerve transmission, and other elements of nervous system health. For instance, Vitamin B12 can alleviate symptoms of depression in some people. Those with celiac disease might benefit from supplementation with B12 and Quatrefolic®, among other vitamins, to help with depression.


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