Lymphatic cancers or lymphomas are cancers based in the lymph system (lymph vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils, and bone marrow), which is part of the immune system.

    It is believed that lymphomas occur when cells divide too quickly, invading and destroying lymphoid tissues which parallels the channels to veins and arteries. Lymphatic cells then metastasize (spread) to other organs, leading to the destruction and eventual failure of the organs.  There are two types of lymphomas based upon the cellular appearance of the tumors.

    Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes. Although it may affect any lymph tissue, Hodgkin’s mostly affects the high cervical and supra-clavicular nodes. Symptoms include fever, night sweats, and/or weight loss. Four stages of the disease are recognized. The type of chemotherapy used depends on a number of factors, including the patient’s age and the stage of the disease.

    Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is the fifth most common type of cancer in the U.S. The disease is difficult to treat, with poor survival rates past five years. Non-Hodgkin’s is a cancer that affects the lymphatic system and the lymphocytes—the cells responsible for maintaining the body’s immune system. B cells and T cells are involved in over 85% of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. The body’s ability to fight off infection is significantly decreased because fewer than normal white blood cells are produced. In addition, it can spread through the lymphatic vessels to other parts of the body. Although this disease can develop at any age, older adults are at high risk.

    Risk Factors And Causes

    The exact cause of lymphomas is still unknown, but the best theory is the over-exposure of toxins, chemicals, and free radicals that have entered into the lives of most people in our country.  Some other associations have been made with heredity, the Epstein-Barr virus, the use of hair dyes, pollution, pesticides, and xenoestrogens and hormones found in much of the milk, meat, poultry, and eggs in the United States.  The bacteria, helicobacter pylori, also has been linked with stomach and duodenal ulcers, which may induce Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the intestinal tract.

    Patients with HIV (AIDS) have about a 30 percent chance of contracting lymphoma.  Patients on other immune-suppressing therapies (i.e. drugs for treating rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s and other auto-immune diseases), and organ transplant patients also have an increased risk.


    The diet advice for those suffering from lymphoma depends on the individual case.  Sugar in almost any form is believed to feed cancer cells and add to more blood acidity (perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive). Try to avoid gluten foods and excessive dairy products. Eating meat, particularly red and white meat, can increase cancer risk. Eat foods that can increase blood count in chemotherapy for lymph cancer, including apples, beets, garlic, orange juice, black walnuts, and royal jelly. There are protease inhibitors in beans, rice, potatoes, and seeds that may revert cancerous cells to normal. Raw cabbage juice, pineapple, whole-grain bran fiber, chickpeas, and broccoli are also good food choices.

    A disturbing report has linked cancers and a compromised immune system to the ingestion of aspartame (i.e. Nutrasweet, Equal) in rats. The European Journal of Clinical Oncology found that 8-week-old female rats fed varying concentrations of aspartame developed leukemia and lymphoma. The researchers said the study raises concerns and “urgent re-examination” of aspartame’s safety especially to protect children.

    Supplement Protocol

      Essiac tea has been used for 80 years as an authentic anti-cancer herbal agent. A minimal protocol calls for one cup twice a day for 12 consecutive weeks. Essiac is a wise choice for therapy with or without choosing chemotherapy. German scientists have found the Essiac tea block angiogenesis (growth of cancer cells) and found it to be very helpful for lymphoma. Dosage: A minimal protocol calls for one cup twice a day but more aggressive cancers may require higher doses.
    2. CHLORELLA, Blue Green Algae, Spirulina, Barley, Kamut
      These may promote the activation of natural cancer-fighting substances in the body. Dosage: Enough to keep the body alkaline.
      This spice has antioxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory properties. In patients with lymphoma may promote apoptosis or induce cell death, exhibiting cytotoxicity against human CML in a dose-dependent manner. Dosage: 1000-2000 mg daily.
      These herbs bolster the immune system while protecting the liver, kidney, and colon from the side effects of chemotherapy. The active ingredient in milk thistle (silymarin) is thought to bind to the outside of the liver cells and slow the entry of liver-damaging toxins and other free radicals. Milk thistle also prevents the depletion of glutathione, a major antioxidant enzyme system in the body that is often depleted in cancer patients. Dosage: 1-3 capsules daily. See a qualified practitioner.
      Removal of toxins from the body can free up the immune system and normalize the functioning of other systems for reversing cancer or keeping any further development of cancer from taking place. See qualified natural practitioner who performs detoxification via bowel cleanse, liver cleanse, ion-cleanse, or sauna.


    Blaylock, RL. A Review of Conventional Cancer Prevention and Therapy and the Adjunctive Use of Nutraceutical Supplements and Antioxidants. JANA. Fall, 2000. 3(3): 17-35.

    Block, JB, Evans, S. Clinical Evidence Supporting Cancer Risk Reduction with Antioxidants and Implications for Diet and Supplementation. JANA. Fall, 2000. 3(3): 6-14.

    Bradmaev, V, Passwater, RA. Selenium: A Quest for Better Understanding. Alternative Therapies, July 1996. 2(4): 59-67.

    Disease Prevention and Treatment. 3rd edition. Life Extention Media. Hollywood, FL. 2000.

    Goldberg, B, Diamond, WJ, Cowden, WL. Definitive Guide to Cancer. Future Medicine Publishing. Tiburon, CA. 1997.

    Marion, JB. Anti Aging Manual. Information Pioneers, S. Woodstock, CT. 1996.

    Rona, ZP. Lymphatic Cancers. Alive #282, April 2006. Pp. 58-60.

    Yance, DR. Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer. Keats Publishing, Chicago, Il. 1999.