Early detection of cervical cancer is critical. Conventional oncologists report that cancer of the cervix is 100% curable if discovered early.

    Their recommended treatments include cryosurgery (freezing), cone biopsy, loop excision electrosurgical procedure (LEEP), and sometimes a hysterectomy.

    In many cases, abnormal changes in the cervical tissue are detected by a Pap smear. However, Pap smears are screening tests only, not diagnostic tests. A colposcopy and biopsy provide definitive diagnostic evidence. If the Pap smear is normal but the cervix is grossly abnormal, and other known risk factors are identified, it is advised that the Pap smear be repeated in three months, depending on the doctor’s judgment.

    Cervical cancer arises from a thickened epithelium of the lining of the cervix, and is caused by a type of cancer known as Squamous carcinoma. 

    A natural approach strives to improve the health of the cervical tissue, and other preventive approaches. Local treatments with herbs, enzymes, and nutritional supplements to improve the immune system, along with a healthier lifestyle, will decrease risk and exposure. Cigarette smoking is a major contributing factor in cervical dysplasia. Precancerous lesions of cervical dysplasia shrink by at least 20 percent in women who either quit smoking entirely or greatly reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke.


    Poor nutrition fails to provide nutrients for optimal cellular nourishment. It has been shown that up to 70 percent of all cancers are related to diets that are high in animal fat, low in fiber, and lacking in sufficient fruits and vegetables. In addition, most refined, processed and fast foods in America have been stripped of all nutrients and enzymes that protect against cancer.

    Supplemental Protocol

    1. VITAMIN A Vitamin A deficiencies in animal models causes squamous metaplasia of cervical cells. Vitamin A can be taken either by mouth or via a suppository. Dosage: See a qualified practitioner. 
    2. VITAMIN C (with BIOFLAVONOIDS) is a potent antioxidant that should be supplemented as a therapy for any kind of cancer. Levels in serum of vitamin C in patients with pre-malignant lesions are low. Bioflavonoids such as QUERCETIN, HESPERIDIN, and RUTIN should be augmented with vitamin C supplementation. Dosage: 3,000-10,000 mg daily, as tolerated by the bowel. Bioflavonoids, 1,000 mg daily. 
    3. ZINC – this antioxidant mineral may help to reverse fibroids (along with vitamin C, beta carotene, and selenium.) Dosage: 30-50 mg daily. 
    4. SELENIUM – an antioxidant mineral widely used in cancer prevention. Dosage: 200-300 mcg daily. 
    5. ESSIAC TEA – a famous natural tea used for 80 years as an authentic anti-cancer herbal agent. A minimal protocol calls for one cup twice a day for 12 consecutive weeks. See a qualified practitioner before starting a 12 week program. 
    6. MILK THISTLE (SILYMARIN) – is thought to bind to the outside of the liver cells and slow the entry of damaging toxins into the cervix. Milk thistle also prevents the depletion of glutathione, a major antioxidant enzyme system in the body that is often depleted in cancer patients. Milk thistle also bolsters the immune system while protecting the liver, kidney and cervix from free-radical damage. Dosage: 1-3 capsules daily. See a qualified practitioner.
    7. FOLIC ACID – research points to an association between folate status in adults and cervical dysplasia. Dosage: up to 10 mg daily have been used to reverse cervical dysplasia, but only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. 

    Alternative Medicine Review- Monographs, Volume 1. Thorne Research, Inc. Dover, ID, 2002

    Blaylock, RL. A Review of Conventional Cancer Prevention and Therapy and the Adjunctive Use of Nutraceutical Supplements and Antioxidants. JANA. Fall 2000. 3(3): 17-35.

    Block, JB, Evans, S. Clinical Evidence Supporting Cancer Risk Reduction with Antioxidants and

    Implications for Diet and Supplementation. JANA. Fall, 2000. 3(3): 6-14.

    Goldberg, B, Diamond, WJ, Cowden, WL. Definitive Guide to Cancer. Future Medicine Publishing. Tiburon, CA. 1997.

    Yance, DR. Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer. Keats Publishing, Chicago, IL. 1999.