Cancer is the number one health concern among Americans.

    Cancer kills over half a million Americans each year (although heart disease kills 25% more.) Although advances have been made in the treatment of cancers, and some longevity has ensued, there are still no cures and the number of people inflicted with this dreaded disease is increasing. Actually, a vast majority of cancers can be prevented, but unfortunately conventional medicine primarily deals with the treatment after one has the disease, and little is taught about day-to-day choices that could help prevent 60-70 percent of cancers. The food we eat, the amount of exercise we get, our environment, how we deal with everyday ‘stressors’ and the supplements we take may have a dramatic impact on our risk of getting cancer, and treating it if we do.


    What really is cancer? Even though we have an advanced medical system it is not easy to explain and the etiology is still a mystery. When the body is healthy and in balance our cells will grow and replicate in an ordinary manner according to our genetic code. In contrast, cancer cells mutate and grow at an uncontrollable rate (sometimes rapid, sometimes very slowly) and invade the normal cells in their path. Research in ‘energy’ medicine (possibly the future of medicine) will tell us that how we handle stressors from birth to today have a significant part to play in who gets cancer and who doesn’t. In other words, our intent plays a big role in our health (maybe 60-70 percent.)

    If we are not sure what cancer is, can we say what cancer isn’t? A paper presented at the 17th Annual World Congress on Anti-aging Medicine in Orlando, Florida (April 2009) utilized new data and research to identify the prime cause of cancer. Dr. Brian Peskin, one of the physicians speaking at the conference stated what he believed cancer was not. “Cancer is not an invader in your body like a bacteria or a virus infection, nor is it a genetic distortion determined to kill us. Cancer is in the body at the cellular level which is attempting to allow an injured tissue or organ to survive by reverting to the primitive survival mechanism.” Inflammation does play a role in the development of cancer. Otto Warburg discovered 80 years ago that a reduction in oxygen (hypoxia) causes any cell to either die or become cancerous, thus alkalizing the body appears to be a major factor in oxygenation. Lastly, cancer is not a local problem. It is systemic (whole body) which is more of a reason to keep the immune system stimulated and healthy (antioxidant therapy and a healthy diet).

    The disease is characterized by tumors–clusters of mutant, renegade cells–that are either benign (harmless) or malignant (cancerous.) Benign tumors rarely spread, but cancerous ones always do. In time, the accumulation of cancerous cells can take over and destroy tissues and organs. The progression of this disease is called metastasis. The cancer cells also cause the immune system to be severely compromised, weaken the body, fill the body with toxins, and in time immune breakdown and/or death will occur.

    In theory then, outside of the feasibility of heredity, cancerous invaders can enter the body three ways:

    1. Ecotoxins – Including fungus (Candida), bacteria, viruses, parasites all generated from exposure in the environment (air, soil, water.) Ecotoxins can include radiation, electromagnetic smog, pollutants, toxins, and the potential of exposure to 60,000+ chemicals.
    2. Endotoxins – These are by-products of a metabolic process in the body, many of which never exit the body completely. Endotoxins may include legal or illegal drugs, tobacco smoke, alcohol, and contaminated food.
    3. Nutritoxins – These are toxins that originate from food sources but are additives. Examples include pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, xenobiotics, xeno-estrogens, genetically-modified organisms (GMO) and preservatives that are unfortunately contained in 80 percent of our food supply. 


    Food is Medicine! A healthy diet will fuel your immune system and protect against the “wasting” that affects many people with cancer. 

    The American Cancer Society’s Recommendations 

    1. Eat five or more servings of fruits & dark green and yellow vegetables daily. The “5 a day for better health program” is a national program started in 1981 to encourage Americans to eat more fruits and vegetables for good health. Broccoli was found to help the body detoxify and avert development of cancer.
    2. Eat other plant foods high in fiber (such as grains, beans, soy) that can soak up excess hormones, like estrogen and androgens, which are linked to certain forms of cancer. 
    3. Avoid foods high in saturated fat or trans-fatty acids
    4. Be moderately active for 30 minutes 4 times a week. 
    5. Stay within a healthy weight range 
    6. Limit consumption of alcohol.

    My Additional Recommendations- Above the ACS 

    1. Get acidity out of your system, eat alkaline. Cancer lives, thrives, and exacerbates in an acidity environment.  
    2. A Paleo diet is encouraged. Always choose organic or free-range.
    3. Dense green foods/vegetables such as broccoli, kale, carrots, brussels sprouts,cabbage, sea vegetables, and spinach are good to eat on a regular basis. Organic is best.
    4. Consume more fibrous fruits (apples, peaches, pears) which are preferable to fleshy tropical fruits. 
    5. Avoid white sugar (remember: sugar may feed cancer, it doesn’t cause cancer), white flour, artificial sweeteners (especially aspartame.)
    6. Consume more easily-digestible proteins.
    7. Eliminate dairy products especially cow’s milk and cow milk products. 
    8. Choose a detoxification program periodically. 


    Foods from the cabbage-family, ginger, nuts, legumes, cold-water fish and fish oil, garlic, fruits rich in fiber and pigment, onions and vegetables (especially orange, yellow and leafy greens).


    Severely limit consumption of non-organic animal products including red and white meats, poultry, and eggs. If you eat animal protein, be certain that it is organic or free-range. Whatever you hear, believe that over 80 percent of these animal based foods are laced with pesticides, antibiotics, steroids and hormones. Minimize refined sugar and saturated fats (acidic foods). Avoid anything artificial and synthetic in nature (i.e. pesticides, colors, synthetic chemicals, artificial preservatives, including aspartame [in diet colas and foods], and color dyes added to food). 


    1. A High-Fat Diet and Obesity – Obesity has a problematic link to many types of cancer, particularly breast cancer. High trans-fatty acids damage healthy cells and stimulate the body’s production of estrogen. [Debate still rages in the European Union over scientific reports that found strong evidence a hormone used in the North American beef industry can cause cancer. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette May 4, 1999
    2. Alcohol Intake – Women drinking 2-5 drinks a day had a 41% greater risk of cancer. 
    3. Physical Inactivity – People who exercise 4 days a week for at least 30-60 minutes have a 37 percent lower risk of getting cancer. 
    4. Avoid Exposure to Radiation – Over exposure to magnetic fields, radiation, electromagnetic smog (overexposure to cell phones, microwaves and computers), X-rays, WiFi, cell phone towers, electric blankets, hair dryers and TVs. There are increasing reports that extended cell phone use can lead to brain tumors. 
    5. Xeno-estrogens and Xenobiotics – These synthetically-derived toxic residues of estrogenic “growth” hormones are found in foods such as meat, poultry, dairy and eggs. More problematic still is their high concentrations extensively found in pesticides (DDT), insecticides, plastics, and many pollutants. Xenobiotics are derived from drugs such as antibiotics, anti-psychotics, birth control pills and chemotherapy have contaminated many of the lakes and streams in our natural environmental. These ‘legal’ drugs remain in the water and soil for decades and negatively affect the life cycle of amphibians, reptiles and birds. 
    6. Detoxify – Set up a good detoxification program (via a qualified health care practitioner) to help rid the body of dangerous chemicals and heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, asbestos, hydrocarbons, benzene and aluminum. 
    7. Risk of Candida Albicans – According to a recent hypothesis based on years of scientific and clinical research, the common mold called Candida Albicans may be an underlying cause of cancer. This theory has been extensively propagated by Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an oncologist from Rome, Italy. Fungal infections can destroy underlying tissues. Fungi are the most powerful micro-organisms known and they can act as parasites and feed eternally off a host. Since they can reproduce sexually or asexually, Simoncini theorizes that in cancer, propagation of the species is ensured. The danger is that some fungi are pathogenic, most are not. According to Simoncini the solution to killing off the pathogen is sodium bicarbonate- a very alkaline product.
    8. Avoid tobacco and all tobacco products.
    9. Nitrosamines and Cancer – Nitrosamines (sodium nitrite) are a class of chemical compounds that have known carcinogenic properties. Some 300 exist and 90 percent have been found to be carcinogenic. The most common Nitrosamines in food, body fluids, and occupational exposure are: fried bacon, cured meats, beer, nonfat dry milk, tobacco products, gastric juices, rubber products, metal industries, pesticide production, certain cosmetics, chemical manufacturing. Vitamins C and E help to inhibit nitrosamine formation. 
    10. Thymus Gland Malfunction – The thymus is the central organ in the immune system and is an important regulator. The thymus instructs special white blood cells called “killer T-cells” to fight cancer as well as viruses and other disease causing organisms. Cancer patients appear deficient in this area. The thymus gland is affected by stress and prolonged or severe illness. 

    Do Antioxidants Act As Cancer Preventatives?

    There is extensive literature demonstrating the ability of various plant nutrients and vitamin analogs to prevent the induction of cancer. Fruits and vegetables intake are related to cancer reduction. Indeed, other studies confirm that certain nutrients in high concentrations, such as Vitamin C, Beta carotene, Selenium, Quercetin and Tocopherols, did statistically reduce certain types of cancer in humans. We also know that antioxidants work much more efficiently in concert with chemotherapy; in fact there is a definite synergistic effect when antioxidants are combined.

    Vitamin/phytochemicals And Radiation Therapy

    Experiments involving vitamins A, C, E, and Carotenoids have shown that they prevent normal cells against radiation damage, but not cancer cells. A cited work found that both vitamin A and Beta-carotene supplementation significantly increased the resistance of male mice to whole-body irradiation. The protective effect was greater if the Vitamin A or Beta-carotene was given 3 days before, or immediately after irradiation. Flavonoids (including Proanthocyanidins and Bioflavonoids) were powerful and versatile antioxidants, They are confirmed to be DNA protective, stimulate natural killer cell cytotoxicity as well as having a positive effect on T-helper cell proliferation. The Indian spice Turmeric has shown positive results in the treatment of radiation-induced side effects such as burns and inflammation.

    Is It Ok To Use Herbal Or Nutritional Supplements While Taking Chemotherapy For Cancer?

    Cancer drugs are effective in some cases but highly toxic to the body.  It is essential to protect the bone marrow, immune system, digestive tract, and other organs with supplements while treating cancer with conventional means.  Traditional herbs from the Far East (i.e., Ashwagandha, Ginseng, Shitake and Cordycep mushrooms, Turmeric and Aloe vera) are scientifically proven to sharply increase successful outcomes while also reducing harm.  The bioflavonoid Quercetin helps many chemotherapy drugs get into the tumors, which improves response rates. Oncologists who sometimes suggest supplementing their pharmaceutical cancer protocols with antioxidants vitamins will reject the use of herbal medicines thinking that they could negatively affect the potency of the drugs. There is no definitive proof of that except in some minor circumstances. Oncologists also misunderstand the nature of plant estrogens, which block estrogen receptors, reduce growth signals, and shrink breast, prostate, and colorectal tumors.  Cancer care should include rational use of nutritional supplements.

    Effects Of Antioxidants On Chemotherapy

    As early as 1930, it was recognized that nutritional depletion was a major cause of death in cancer patients. Cancer cells are notoriously deficient in antioxidant enzymes according to science. Over reactive concerns that nutrient antioxidants might protect cancer cells from treatment modalities, such as radiation and chemotherapy, have been based purely on hypothesis. There is no valid scientific evidence that shows antioxidants interfere with standard treatment methods. In fact, most antioxidants possess independent anti-carcinogenic effects that can be quite powerful and, at least theoretically should enhance the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapy. A recent publication suggested no supplementary antioxidants be given concurrently with chemotherapy agents which employ a free radical mechanism. There has been more reliable data done to answer this question by researchers in Europe and Asia. While it may be true that more investigation is needed on this question, cautious and judicious use of a number of antioxidants can be helpful in the treatment of cancer; as sole agents and as an adjunct to standard radiation and chemotherapy.

    The advances made by nutritional science over the last 25 years, especially in regards to cancer, should encourage physicians and practitioners alike to take advantage of this knowledge for the benefit of the patient. The oncologist’s tendency to reject nutritional adjunctive treatment of cancer is not based on scientific evidence.  The results are so compelling and consistent that they no longer can be ignored.

    Does Blood Sugar Affect Cancer?

    No one disputes the potential medical effects on cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, but controlling one’s blood glucose levels through diet, supplements, exercise, meditation and certain prescription drugs can be one of the most crucial components to a cancer recovery program. It is puzzling that a simple concept like “sugar feeds cancer” can be dramatically overlooked as part of a comprehensive cancer treatment plan to boost the immune system. In Europe, the “sugar feeds cancer” concept is very well accepted by oncologists. So, are diabetics and pre-diabetics more prone to cancer? The apparent answer is affirmative mainly because sugar is acidic and lowers the pH of the blood from a normal alkaline state.

    The Acidosis/cancer Connection

    In 1932, Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery that cancer was anaerobic–that cancer occurs in the absence of free oxygen. Whatever causes the lack of free oxygen in the body, potentially can cause cancer. Because alkali solutions (pH over 7) tend to absorb oxygen, while acids (pH under 7) tend to expel oxygen, when Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and other alkaline minerals are robbed from the tissue to keep the blood at alkaline 7.4, it is now less buffered and more acidic. Thus the tissue will hold less oxygen and the resulting anaerobic condition is set for cancer. This argument augments the recent research done by Italian oncologist Tullio Simoncini who links cancer with acidity. It is a fact that sugar is acidic and a basic premise of any cancer treatment should be “cancer lives, thrives and proliferates in an acidic environment.”

    Detoxification And Cancer

    Famed nutritionist Dr. Bernard Jensen says that “death begins in the colon.” There are good reasons for this, for the digestive tract is responsible to absorb all nutrients and eliminate waste products. The colon is the ‘hotbed’ of toxicity from environmental stress, metabolic waste, as well as other pathogens like bacteria, viruses and parasites. Toxins that are not excreted remain in the system attaching them to the lining of the colon. Toxin-rich fat is a prime site where cells can mutate to cause cancer. High fiber diets can help maintain regularity and movement of toxins out of the bowel. However, a more efficient tool is to do periodic detoxification of the bowel and liver to ensure that there is no toxic buildup and cause for free radical damage.

    Cancer And The Inflammatory Cascade

    A growing body of research links cancer initiation, promotion, progression, and metastasis to inflammatory events. Accordingly, modulation of the inflammatory cascade emerges as a key approach in integrative cancer therapy. Inflammatory eicosanoids (prostaglandins and leukotrienes) can be inhibited by cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) enzymes. Dietary modifications and selected nutritional and botanical agents can be helpful. Some of the best supplements known to lower systemic inflammation are the pancreatic enzymes, Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA), antioxidants, Vitamin D3, the COX-2 herbals (Boswellia, Bromelain, Turmeric) and Quercetin. These compounds mitigate eicosanoid production and thereby may assist in the effective ‘control’ of cancer. Other aspects of an anti-inflammatory protocol include: optimize blood glucose regulation, monitor inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein), consider pharmaceuticals COX-2 inhibitors or NSAIDS, and by ensuring adequate intake of alkaline minerals (Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, and Manganese.)

    Cancer And Body Temperature

    An intriguing theory on cancer treatment claims, “Cancer is a so-called cold-illness and often disappears when body temperature rises.”  This theory is put forth by American Dr. William Coley in the 1880s. He found that as soon as patients developed a high fever, their tumors sometimes vanished.  There is a movement to induce artificial fevers among cancer patients by giving them bacilli, in particularly the Newcastle virus. A study published in The Lancet showed that patients with large tumors in the large intestines treated with this virus did much better than patients receiving chemotherapy alone.  Today, Dr. Robert Garter from Cologne, Germany, states that the immune system works optimally whenever a fever strikes. He wraps cancer patients in special beds to their necks and uses infrared lamps to raise their temperature to 104 degrees F.  He also believes warmth in the form of love, softness, and tenderness is also particularly effective in healing cancer. See his website:

    What Are Xenoestrogens?

    Many people are confused about the compounds that exist in their daily environment which have the capacity to “mimic” the way estrogen acts in the body. To oversimplify their mechanism of action, these chemicals (that are structurally similar to estrogen) lodge themselves onto estrogen receptor sites throughout the human body.  This overburden makes the person more prone to estrogen-dependent problems such as estrogen-positive cancers (over 80 percent of breast, uterine, and probably prostate cancer is estrogen ‘positive.’) Keep in mind that a single, but continual elemental exposure to xeno-estrogens can be just as deadly as a moderate exposure to a variety of xeno-estrogens.  The major categories are:

      1. Drugs (Rx and OTC) – Synthetic drugs of all types (especially synthetic estrogen such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy) are leading candidates for dangerous xeno-estrogens. In addition, mercury (thimerosol) and solvents used in drug manufacturing of immunizations.
      2. Solvents and Paints – Common examples include phenols, benzene, lead, gasoline, chlorine-based cleaners, acetone, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, and vinyl chloride.  Paints include spray paints, pigments, lead-based paints, and organic residues.
      3. Pesticides – Used on many of America’s foods, these include organic chlorine and phosphates, tobacco (nicotine), pyethrins (ant killer), pypertonyl butoxide and butylcarbityl (insecticides), DDT and Monsanto’s Roundup.
      4. Metals and Plastics – Well known plastics include styrofoam and poly-vinyl chloride. The toxic metals include lead, nickel, cadmium, aluminum, arsenic, mercury and beryllium.
      5. Environmental – Pollutants of all kinds, formaldehyde, hydrocarbons, toluene, benzene, and artificial scents.

    Current Cancer Therapeutic Agents

    Alkylating agents- (e.g. cyclophospamide, ifosamide)

    Antibiotics- affected nucleic acids (e.g. doxorubicin, adriamycin, bleomycin) 

    Some reports suggest that proanthocyanidin from grape seeds enhance the anti-tumor effect of doxorubicin. A recent study strongly suggested that curcumin may have a protective effect on Adriamycin myocardial toxicity. Recent studies suggest this magic spice may ease radiation side effects such as burns and inflammation. 

    Plantinum compounds- (e.g. cisplatin)

    Numerous in vitro animal studies showed that supplementation of L-theanine with cisplatin and doxorubicin reduced the size of ovarian tumors and decreased metastases to the liver as well. Studies also show that milk thistle may protect against cisplatin-induced renal toxicity and when used in combination can reduce renal injury.

    Mitotic inhibitors- (e.g. vincristine)

    Antimetabolites- (e.g. 5-fluorouracil)

    Camptothecin derivitives- (e.g. topotecan, etoposides)

    Studies have shown that 20mg of melatonin significantly improved survival time in patients taking cisplatin and etoposide and increases radiation effect.

    Biological response modifiers- (e.g. interferon)

    Hormone therapies- (e.g. tamoxifen)

    In one study tamoxifen plus melatonin (20 mg a day) in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer seemed to be more effective. Melatonin may lead to the normalization of platelet counts in breast cancer

    Supplement Protocol

      As with any immune-compromised disease or health problem, cancer treatment requires a wide range of antioxidant vitamins and minerals to help prevent cellular damage by reacting with and eliminating oxidizing free radicals.
    2. VITAMIN C – Supplementation of Vitamin C has been the source of many claims and controversies over the past 25 years. Dr. Linus Pauling demonstrated promising effects when administering high doses of Vitamin C to cancer patients in the 1990s. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, free-radical scavenger, builds collagen, and strengthens the immune system. Studies show that Vitamin C (in its whole food form) helps to prevent cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon and lung. Naturally Vitamin C is derived nutrient-dense whole foods such as broccoli, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, acerola cherry and orange peels. It may be more effective if combined with Bioflavonoids such as Quercetin and Resveratrol. Vitamin C increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs such as vinblastine, cyclophosphaide, 5-FU, cisplatin, paclitaxel and procarbazine, and should be given concomitantly. Dosage: Can range from 2,000-100,000 mg daily. See a qualified practitioner if you choose to take mega-doses of ascorbic acid. Intravenous Vitamin C is even more effectively. See a qualified physician or naturopath who administered IV treatments 
    3. BIOFLAVONOIDS (QUERCETIN, RUTIN, RESVERATROL) – These naturally-occurring compounds are effective inhibitors of carcinoma cell growth and proliferation, and warrant further investigation as cancer chemo-preventive agents. Research indicates that supplementation with Bioflavonoids can show a 5.7 percent decrease in reoccurrence rate of colon and oral cancer cell polyps. Quercetin increases the anti-tumor activity of cisplatin and busulfan. Quercetin (mixes well with vitamin C) appears to increase the concentration of chemotherapy agents in some resistant cell lines.  Dosage: 500-2,000 mg daily.
    4. SELENIUM – Selenium is an antioxidant mineral that has demonstrated an ability to lower the incidence of cancer and reduce new adenoma formation. Selenium may be important in increasing antioxidant protection on the immune system, regulating cell proliferation and apotosis (programmed cell death), inhibition of tumor cell invasion, and suppression of the growth of blood vessels supplying nutrients to cancer cells. Selenium increases the activity of the drug cysplatin. Dosage: 200-600 mcg daily under the direction of a qualified practitioner.
    5. VITAMIN D3 – More and more evidence is indicating the higher Vitamin D3 doses may have a significant role to play in cancer treatment and prevention. Populations that live in the tropical areas of the world and get most of their Vitamin D3 from sunlight have a lower risk of cancer than their brothers in the Northern hemisphere. Dosage: 1-10,000 IU daily as recommended by a qualified health practitioner.
    6. GLUTATHIONE – This potent antioxidant appears to decrease toxicity caused by many chemotherapy drugs, and appears to increase the anti-tumor effect of cisplatin in humans. It is proven that glutathione protects the liver in cancer treatment. Dosage: As directed by an experienced practitioner.
    7. ALPHA LIPOIC ACID (ALA) – Alpha lipoic acid is both a water and fat-soluble antioxidant that acts as an aggressive free-radical quencher antioxidant and works throughout the body. In addition, most cancers appear to prefer a rather anaerobic (lock of oxygen) environment. ALA promotes aerobic (oxygenated) respiration. ALA also has been shown to stabilize various factors that encourage the growth of mutated cells. Dosage: 200-1,000 mg daily.
      Essiac tea is a unique and highly efficacious tea has been promoted as an Ojibway Indian cancer cure in Canada since 1922. A mixture of Indian rhubarb, Sheep sorrel, Slippery elm and Burdock root. A minimal protocol calls two teaspoons twice a day for 12 consecutive weeks. Burdock is active against leukemia, lymphoma and various types of tumors. After years of research, Purdue University concluded in 2005 that “Essiac preparations may be able to inhibit tumor growth while enhancing the immune system.”  German scientists have found the Essiac tea block angiogenesis (growth of cancer cells) and found it to be very helpful for many types of cancer. Dosage: See an experienced healthcare practitioner familiar with its use and effectiveness.
      This fan-shaped Turkey Tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor, Coriolus versicolor) can be found growing on logs throughout the United States, Europe and Asia. The turkey tails mushroom contains two proteoglycans that have shown effects against cancer.  They are widely used for treatment of cancer in Japan. Other potent medical mushrooms Include Shiitake, Reishi, Cordyceps and Maitake. These mushrooms are adaptogenic compounds that protect against carcinogens and radiation damage to the immune system. They raise T-cell counts and natural killer cells in tumor activity. Reishi has been utilized “hopeless case” cancers in China.  Dosage: See a qualified health care practitioner.
      Astragalus is a stable of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It helps increase phagocytotic activity and boosts the immune system, restores T-cell count, increases natural killer cells, stimulates the production of interferon, and mediated anti-tumor activity of interlukin-2. Asian ginseng in combination with astragalus appears to reduce many toxic effects from chemotherapy. Astragalus has adaptogenic activity which slows down metastasis and increase secretory IgA- an immunoglobulin that deactivates viruses and bacteria. Dosage: As directed on package.
      Melatonin is the primary hormone released from the pineal gland which has proven to have anti-tumor activity. This hormone has been studied as an adjunct to standard chemo-therapy in patients with advanced solid tumors (brain metastases) for its ability to increase tumor cell apoptosis. Doses of 20mg of melatonin significantly improved survival time (in patients taking cisplatin, tamoxifen and etoposide) and increases radiation effect. Melatonin supplemented with cisplatin in non-small-cell lung cancer also had a significantly higher survival rate. In one study tamoxifen plus melatonin (20 mg a day) in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer seemed to be more effective. Melatonin may lead to the normalization of platelet counts in breast cancer patients. Several clinical trials demonstrated the beneficial effects of melatonin on chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia. Dosage: 10-50 mg every evening for 3-5 weeks. See a qualified practitioner if using high doses.
      The active ingredient in the East Indian spice Turmeric is called Curcumin, Curcumin is recognized as a natural chemotherapy agent. In reduces estrogenic activity of certain environmental toxins. A recent study strongly suggested that Curcumin may have a protective effect on Adriamycin myocardial toxicity. Recent studies suggest this magic spice may ease radiation side effects such as burns and inflammation. Dosage: As directed by a qualified practitioner.
      A new study offers evidence that a diet high in magnesium may reduce the occurrence of colon cancer among women. According to findings in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that women who took the most magnesium were 23 percent less likely to develop colon cancer.  Dosage: 400-800 mg daily.
      Thymus supplementation will help to support T-cell function on this most important gland of the immune system. Without active T-cells our bodies cannot fight cancer. Dosage: As directed on label.

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