Diarrhea is a common, yet potentially serious manifestation of the bowel and large intestines.
Most of the time, it lasts only a day or so. However, occasionally, diarrhea can be a sign of serious illness.
Diarrhea develops when the large intestine fails to reabsorb water from the feces. This produces frequency and loose or watery stools. Dehydration is a serious complication of diarrhea. Drink plenty of fluids to replace vital electrolytes that may be lost over time. Diarrhea can be the cause of a potentially serious underlying problem. Always see a physician if diarrhea is persistent and not subsided by common remedies.
The possibility of an underlying disease such as celiac disease, irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, HIV, or bacterial or viral infection coincides with severe or intermittent diarrhea. If blood appears in the stool, ulcerative colitis is possible. Certain antibiotics such as tetracycline, ampicillin, amoxicillin, cephalosporins and/or clindamycin induce diarrhea, and always should be taken concomitantly with probiotics.
Other causes include use with antacids or vitamin supplements that contain high amounts of magnesium or vitamin C. Viral and bacterial infections can induce diarrhea. Extreme stress is a common culprit. Nutritional deficiencies (low zinc) can cause diarrhea, as can excessive amounts of caffeine, magnesium, laxatives, or contaminated water.
Food allergies and sensitivities (i.e. dairy products, sugar, spicy foods and white flour) are frequent causes of irritable bowel over time (including intermittent diarrhea.)
For dietary treatment of diarrhea, drink plenty of liquids, such as a hot carob drink or green drinks. Avoid drinking very hot or cold liquids (which can overstress the intestinal tract). Prolonged loss of fluids as a result of diarrhea can result in electrolyte loss and dehydration. Replace electrolytes which are vital elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.) Most pharmacies stock electrolyte products that can prevent deficiencies when patients have diarrhea (Infalyte, Pedialyte, Kao Lectrolyte, Revital Ice).
Avoid high-fiber foods, which may stress the digestive tract, instead eat easy-to-digest foods, such as cooked potatoes, bananas (mashed for children), rice, applesauce and/or toast. Do not consume any dairy products (they are highly allergic) except consuming a small amount of cultured yogurt may prevent diarrhea when taking antibiotics. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, or spicy foods.
Supplement Protocol
Probiotics may help to restore bowel flora to normal levels. They are critical in normalizing the stool, especially when diarrhea is induced by antibiotic use. Dosage: Take 2-4 capsules daily until loose stools subside, then decrease gradually. - ZINC
Supplementing with zinc appears to sharply curtail the duration of diarrhea in digestive tract and enhances immune response. Zinc also aids in the repair of damaged tissue from continual loose stools. Children with prolonged diarrhea, especially if they need rehydration, can greatly benefit from zinc supplementation. Dosage: 5-35 mg daily. - DIGESTIVE ENZYMES
Digestive enzymes (also made for kids) are needed for breaking down proteins, increasing gastric emptying, and improving overall digestion. Enzyme therapy (short-term) can play an essential role in treating diarrhea. Dosage: Take 1-2 capsules 10-15 minutes before meals, or as directed.
Green tea has a high concentration of tannins and may help normalize bowel function. Dosage: 1-2 cups daily. - PSYLLIUM SEEDS
Ingesting foods or supplements containing pure psyllium seeds, helps to provide the bulk that aids in forming a normal, solid stool. Dosage: As directed on package. - BERBERINE
Studies have shown that berberine inhibits bacterial diarrhea by reducing intestinal secretions of water and electrolytes induced by cholera toxin. Berberine may inhibit E. coli and V. cholera while reducing smooth muscle contraction and intestinal motility. Dosage: Up to 200 mg orally 4 times a day. - HOMEOPATHY
Clinical trials by hospitals in Central America showed that homeopathic treatment shows benefit in childhood diarrhea. Dosage: As instructed.
Aksit, S., et al. Carob bean juice: A Powerful Adjunct to Oral Rehydration Solution Treatment in Diarrhea. Ped Perinat Epidemiol, 1998. (12): 176-181
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Arvigo, R. Rainforest Remedies. Lotus Press. Twin Lakes, WI. 1993.
Balach, PA, Balch, JF. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Third edition. Penguin-Putman, 2000.
Berberine (Monograph). Alternative Medicine Review, April 2000. 5(2): 175-177.
Blumenthal, M (ed), Fraction from Sangre de Drago Sap Treats AIDS related Diarrhea. Herbclip, May 30, 2000. American Botanical Council. www.herbalgram.org.
Nutritional Therapy Association as Part of the Foundation of Functional Nutrition Seminar Series, 2001.
Purcell, K. New Anti-Diarrhea Medication Produced from Amazonian Tree. Herbalgram #68. P. 2005.
Roberts, AJ, O’Brien, ME, Subak-Harpe, G. Nutraceuticals: The Complete Encyclopedia of Supplements, Herbs, Vitamins, and Healing Foods. Berkley Publishing Group. New York. Pp. 107-108.
Ottariano, SG. Medicinal Herbal Therapy. Nicolin Fields Publishing, Portmouth, NH. 1999. P. 45.
Wanke, CA, Pleskow, D, Degrirolami, PC, et al. A Medium Chain Triglyceride-based Diet in Patients with HIV and Chronic Diarrhea. Nutrition, 1996. (12): 766-771.