Applied Kinesiology & Muscle Testing

    Applied Kinesiolgy

    We offer Applied Kinesiology services to diagnose and treat a variety of health related problems.

    Biological System Analysis

    Biological System Analysis

    We provide patients a System Analysis to better understand our their physical, psychological and emotional connections.

    Chakra Attunement

    Chakra Attunement

    Our Chakra Attunement services to help treat imbalances and symptoms of physical and emotional discomfort.

    Contact Reflex Analysis

    Contact Reflex Analysis

    A CRA can help determine imbalances within the body, as well as methods to address the root of the dysfunction.

    Flower Essence Therapy

    Flower Essence Therapy

    We use Flower Essence Therapy as a form of alternative medicine to help balance the mind and vibrational energy.

    Nutritional Response Testing

    Nutritional Response Testing

    This method allows us to analyze the body to determine the underlying causes of illness and non-optimum health.

    functional medicine in pittsburgh

    Functional Medicine

    Functional Medicine is an effective way to evaluate patients using diagnostic testing in order to achieve optimal health.

    Lebowitz Technique

    Lebowitz Technique

    The Lebowitz Technique utilizes muscle testing with magnets to challenge your body’s neurological response.

    Neuro Emotional Technique

    Neuro Emotional Technique

    Our Neuro Emotional Technique helps treat emotion and stress connected to physiological responses in our body.

    Quantum Neurology

    Quantum Neurology

    We specialize in Quantum Neurology, a rehabilitation treatment using light therapy and nerve specific exercises.

    Stress Response Testing

    Stress-Response Testing

    This test is a quick, non-invasive procedure aimed at understanding the sources of your stress.

    Ionic Foot Detox

    Ionic Foot Detox

    The IonCleanse by AMD is a safe, non-invasive total body detoxification and relaxation system.

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